The ReConnection Project

Transforming Your Life and Legacy

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We believe that with the right support, everyone should have a chance at living their best lives. Doing our own inner excavation as parents is directly correlated with raising joyful, resilient, and emotionally connected children. And we are here to help you with that - so you can make a powerful paradigm shift towards freedom, joy and a life on purpose.

Your Instructor

Raising Humanity
Raising Humanity

Congratulations on taking the leap!

You have stepped in with tremendous courage not only for yourself, but those around you.

We are both honoured and humbled to be on this journey with you, and it a responsibility we take seriously. Know that you are held and seen in this sacred container by many, with loving hands and hearts.

Please continue to trust the process, and the magic will unveil with your willingness to see it.

Much love and gratitude,

Ashley and The Raising Humanity Team

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now! This is a 6-month journey, which will be followed by 6 months of integration.
When will new modules be released?
Each time a new module is available, you will be notified via email. The schedule is available in the Resources section.
What if I find myself being a module behind?
We would love to see you stay with the curriculum weekly as each module builds upon the next, but we understand that life happens! We’ll have a buffer week halfway through the program to allow for rest and any catch-up time, and all learning will be recorded and available online. Move through it all as you are able!
Is this fluffy spiritual work or does it work on a deeper/psychological level?
We incorporate conscious coaching, deep healing through multiple modalities and transpersonal psychology all into one space. 75% of the program is experiential, so it can help move past the limitations of the mind that talk therapy or self-guided programs are directed towards. Due to the combination of elements in a highly curated and personalized program such as this one, we have seen drastically more accelerated progress in this program than witnessing those who may be relying on one medium of growth or trying to piece it together on their own.

This course is closed for enrollment.